Meet The Cast of Camp Rock: Courtney Abron

This is Courtney’s second major production at a theater in Indy. Her first production was Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory at Civic Theatre. Courtney has been dancing since the age of 3 and has been a competitive dancer since the age of 5. She will going to the ninth grade this year to hopefully be in the show choir and she is so excited. She is happy to be in this show and is enjoying every minute of it!!!

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3 Responses to Meet The Cast of Camp Rock: Courtney Abron

  1. Erika says:

    Heyy …. ^ She’s A Beast at what she does and shes my B.O.D. all Day . Lmaoo

  2. kimberly jenkins says:

    i see u…… gett it….. i see u big ballyn on camp rock…. i didn’t kno u been dancing for all them yrs… all i new is tht u LOVE to dance…lol

  3. Cheyenne says:

    Lol, i loved goin to the show with you, all the rehearsals…everything….You have always loved dance (for as long as ive known you *which seems like a lifetime*) and I know that dancing and singing..and doing whatever else you love to do will bring you success in the nearby future.

    -Love your friend like sister, Cheyenne ^.^

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